Friday 17 May 2013

TV Programmes

These were the TV Programmes that they wanted packages for:

The News
Brighton Lights - topical, review type show
Deep and Meaningless - gossip, trivia, celebrity type show
SIK - comedy type show
The Vote - political show

The show that I've been working on is Brighton Lights

Brighton Lights - A topical mix match of content hosted by Guy Lloyd. There are many examples of this already on website. Here’s a link to the latest one which was experimental in that they filmed it live for the first time in a studio setting. The set here, is not necessarily going to stay so we’re open to a new brand of colours and styles, perhaps which could eventually influence the design of set.
For Brighton Lights the music for opening sequence is fixed and Andy Nichols can send it to appropriate people as and when you need it - see his contact below.
Brighton lights will need to be packaged, including:
An opening sequence needs to be 20 seconds long and possibly include images of local landmarks.
2 second idents to act as a bridge between different acts.
Lower third’s.

This is the brief/ information that I was given.

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