Wednesday 22 May 2013


 Before handing in my work, I needed to collect files together so that everything was in one folder.

These are my collected files.

Overall I found this project went quite well. Although I have found it challenging in places, I have also learnt a lot and also gained much more confidence in using After Effects then I had previously. The time scale for this project has been long, but found that time has gone really quick. Having both the idents and title sequences working a long side each other has been quite a challenge; trying to get the balance of both has been quite hard and I think it’s a reason as to why I think that time felt as though it went quick.
I’m pleased with how my work ended up, although I feel there are still some things, which I could to do to make it better. Perhaps if I had scheduled my time better, I could have left myself enough that I could have used it to make any changes or tweaks that needed doing. 

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