Saturday 18 May 2013

Idents - Tutorials

I had a look on YouTube for tutorials to help me with making an underwater scene.

I found these two tutorials helpful and I followed these to make my own.


These were some notes that I took down to help me create the scene in After Effects.

- Add an adjustment layer
- Add the CC Snow effect

Amount - 2400
Speed - -0.3
Amp - 2
Frequency - 1.7
F. Size - 2

- Make it so its long and thin, which will make it look as though its a pump (duplicate and have a few, spaced a long the tank)

Amount - 550
Speed - -.3
Amp - 2
Frequency - 1.7
F. Size - 2

These are amounts are for the full screen bubbles

Making it so that it looks like there is a glass type effect
- Add an adjustment layer
- Add the Caustics effect

Blur - 3
Water Surface Colour - #3f4e5e
Alternative Water Surface Colour - #556a7f

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