Sunday 19 May 2013


In the brief for Brighton Lights, it didn't specify on specific colour and font so it was down to me to decide on what to use. Initially I wasn't to sure on how I wanted it to look, however I knew that I wanted to keep it clean and simple.
Looking through the fonts in Photoshop, I found these two to be clear, simple and easy to read. I had in mind of trying to resemble the Hollywood sign and found that these two fonts to look quite similar.

The first font that I looked at was 'Impact' and I tried it all in capitals and then in upper case and lower case. The three colours that I picked out to use was green, red and blue, I thought that they were simple and clean colours which would easily work.

The second font which I looked at was 'Haettenschweiler'. I did exactly the same thing as the 'Impact' font to see what it would look like. I think that I prefer this font out of the two and I think it would work well with the idea of trying to copy the Hollywood sign.

I then had a go at setting out the letters in a slight wave so that it looks like the Hollywood sign.

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