Thursday 1 March 2012


I didn't have an idea about what music I wanted to use. Although I wanted something that would fit in with the emotion of the speech and wouldn't seem out of place when Earl Spencer is talking. To go about finding the right piece of music the first thing that I did was go on to YouTube and then searched for 'Instrumental Sad Songs'. I wanted to avoid finding a piece of music which was lyrical because I knew that it would be distracting and would lose the speech being read. The song that I stumbled upon was 'Fields of Gold' by Sting, I had a listen to it and instantly thought that it would be the ideal song to use. However I didn't want to use the song if it wasn't going to work alongside the speech, so what I did was played it and then played the speech at the same time this was so that I could see whether it would work and sound good.

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