Thursday 1 March 2012


After making my film, I wasn't really sure about what worked and what didn't. I was hoping that crit would be a useful thing in order for me to know what needed to be changed. I was surprised with the points that I received, which were mainly all positive and there was only a few things that needed to be improved. From receiving these points, it gave me the confidence that I didn't have before, as I was doubting as to whether everything that I picked worked effectively.

These were the points that I received:

- Like it in black and white
- Change the font - Elegant, Sans Serif - flow, the text that is in bold - handwritten style
- Music works well
- Jenga perhaps to literal
- Like the lava lamp clip
- Change the Jenga blocks
- Sort out the transitions
- Maybe have some text at the beginning 

From this response I am now going to apply these changes. The first thing that I am going to do is sort out the font, I am then going to move on and change the Jenga block clip and finally sort out the transitions and finalise any finishing touches.

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