Wednesday 5 December 2012

First Step

Before I go on to make my eBook, I made a project folder where I put in all my assets.

This is the project folder that I made.

In the 'Assets' folder I am going to put the images of the wallpaper that I have edited and will be used for some of the pages of the eBook. The wallpaper will go in its own folder which will be called 'Wallpaper Background'. Also in the folder there will my edited photographs and the image of the title. In the 'Chapter 1 - Bio' folder, I am going to include all the content which will be going in to the chapter. To make it clearer for myself I will divide the content up into folders; images and text. Same in the 'Chapter 2 - Where She Lived', I will have all the content inside separate folders; audio, text, images, animation. In 'Chapter 3 - Rationing' there will also be all the content that I need for the chapter which will again be divided into folders; text, audio, images. Lastly the 'Chapter 4 - Gallery' will contain the images that I have collected and again will in a folder called 'images'.

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