Wednesday 12 December 2012

Time Schedule/ Management

Looking back at this project I think that I could have used a time schedule in a more effective way. I think because of the length of this project it would have more useful to me to have set myself deadlines in order for me to keep up to date with the project rather than just aiming for the key dates that were set in the brief, like the pitch, crit and deadline.

Above is a time schedule that I made. The dates in red are the key dates that were put in the brief. Like I said at above, I think that I would have benefited from setting myself more deadlines to ensure that I was up to date through out the project especially as the length of the project was quite long. 
Nearer the end of the project I made myself another project schedule which I drew up to help with getting my project finished. Below is a screen shot of it:

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