Wednesday 5 December 2012

eBook - Introduction


The introduction animation for my eBook is the idea of having a wall with photos on it and having it pan a long the wall so you can see the pictures and then gradually panning out so that in the end seeing the whole wall.


How I made it

First of all I made a project folder which had all the assets that I wanted to use in it. I then went on to import the background, to do this I double clicked in the project area and opened the background image that I wanted. 

The next thing that I did was add all the images that I wanted. Once I had done that I was then ready to start making my animation. I wanted to merge all the layers together so that everything stayed in there right place.

I selected all of the layers that I wanted, which were the photographs. I then clicked on 'Layer', and 'Pre-Compose'

I renamed the composition and chose to have it opened in a new composition.

I went on to add a position keyframe. I moved the slider on the timeline a long a bit and then added another position keyframe, I added another three position keyframes so that in the end it went round in a circle shape. Once I was happy with that, I then went on to add sound.
Finally I went on to render the animation. 

I clicked on 'Composition' and then 'Add to Render Queue'. I changed some of the settings:

Once I had done that, I then selected where I wanted to save it and then started the render.

These screen shots show what the animation looks like.

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