Tuesday 11 December 2012


I was hoping that Crit would be able to help me with where I was up to with my eBook and although I didn’t have any animations in my book I still received helpful feedback to help me improve on my book.
These were the points that I received:

Like the wallpaper and the images in frames
The audio on the Rationing page
Make the font size bigger
Add a scroll on the Bio page so all the text is on one page
Move all the pages so that they are in one chapter, will be easier for the navigation/ contents page
There is quite a big gap on the ‘Where She Lived’ page
Make it clear that there is audio on the page, make an indication
Bio page – have a pop up info on the photo of my Great Grandma
Could have a gramophone on a table, which can be used for the audio
Use the cross stitch idea to perhaps indicate that there’s interaction
Finish the animations and add them

Now that I have done my crit, I have a couple of days to make the necessary changes to my eBook. I am happy now that I know what needs to be improved to my book and I can now get on with the changes ready for deadline.

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