Thursday 19 January 2012


As I was looking further into the Art Deco style and drawing the buildings in Illustrator, I began thinking about a good logo design that would look professional and would best resemble the whole regeneration project. 
I decided that I wanted to tie in both the ideas of Brighton and Art Deco together to represent one. I came across a poster whilst making my mood board, and a part of it stuck in my mind as I wanted to try and incorporate in my designs.

This is the poster that I based my logo design on. The black and white buildings at the bottom of the page was the bit that I particularly wanted to include. I thought that it was clean, simple and would look good as a logo on a poster. After deciding that I definitely wanted to include this, I needed to come up with a way to include a concept of Brighton. This lead me on to automatically think of the Brighton and Hove City Council logo.

Above is the Brighton and Hove City Council logo. I decided that I could perhaps use the image from this logo and incorporate it with the buildings. In Illustrator I experimented with different ways in which I could put the two together.

To begin with I traced the buildings which were on the poster, I coloured it in and drew some windows. After that I selected half of the image and moved it to one side, so that I had two separate images. I then moved on to copy the Brighton and Hove City Council logo, which you can see below.

The image below shows each image. I am going to put them together to make one image. Underneath I am going to have some text, I think that I will use the letters 'LRB' this will be a quite a big size. I will then have some more underneath that, which will say 'London Road Brighton'. Again I will have some more text under that which will say either 'The Regen Project' or 'The Regeneration Project', I'm not sure what I want to call the project.

This is how I want the text to be set out. I have used the font 'Bellerose', this is the font that I like more from the ones that I found. I thought that it looked clear and would be easy to read. I have also decided to have all the letters in capitals, I did try it with them in lower case, however I thought with having in upper case it looked more Art Deco.

This is how my finished logo looks. I am pleased with the outcome and I think that it will look good on my posters and on my leaflet. It is simple and to the point and people would know what the logo is for.

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