Thursday 19 January 2012

Changes to My Posters

These are my final three posters after I received my crit. 

With the first poster of the pub, I decided to completely change it and I am pleased with the outcome of it. I decided to look for an Art Deco building of a bar and came up with this image.

I thought that this fitted more with my chosen theme and looked good next to the other two posters. As well as changing the building, I also included a map of London Road, which you can see below. The last thing that I did was include some text and add a background colour, for the text I just did bullet points of the features to do with the bar.

With the other two posters, I included the map and labelled where abouts each of the buildings are located in London Road. I also added some bullet points of the features to do with the hotel and flats.

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