Monday 28 November 2011


I think overall the project was pretty successful. I have enjoyed this project more than the previous one and I think that enabled me to show of my designing ability. The outcome of my poster was better than imagined it to be and I am pleased with what I achieved.
Using Illustrator was really good and I found it easier than Photoshop. As it was the first time of using it I found the tutorials really useful and helped me to develop my skills for making my own.
At the beginning I tried to keep on top of blogging, which worked but meant that I neglected doing very much in my sketch book. I think that my use of time was better than in the previous project and I managed to finish the presentation and poster by the set deadlines of pitching and criting. Near the end of the project I spent most of time focused on the practical side, which meant at the end it was quite a rush to catch up on the blog. For the next project I will definitely make sure I am more organized.

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