Tuesday 18 October 2011


After looking at the work of Will Pearson I have decided that I am going to go with my idea of using parks as my main theme. I have chosen this theme because I feel that I would perhaps be better when it comes to editing them in Photoshop, also there are a variety of parks that I could use where on the other hand I would be limited if I had chosen to go with the industrial estate theme. Lastly I think that I would do better with this theme in comparison to the other one.

What I plan to do now is go out and about around Seaford, which has various parks and use those. I think that I will take quite a lot of pictures in each panorama, which will make it easier for when it comes to stitching them together in Photoshop, I will also take two pictures for each panorama in case the first batch do not come out that well.

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