Sunday 9 October 2011

Initial Ideas

After reading the brief I began to come up with potential themes and ideas that I could use for my idea. Coming up with an idea that would work well was a struggle at first as ideally I needed to have the same theme that wasn't going to be overly boring and plain The two ideas that I first thought of were to use the inside of a garage and an industrial estate, my other idea was of parks around Seaford.
During a class discussion we talked about suitable locations and looked at previous examples to help us when it came to coming up with our own idea. I found this useful as it made me think whether the two ideas that I thought of would work, especially when it came to stitching the images together in Photoshop.
What I plan to do now is research panoramic photography and look at examples of other people's work with the same type of theme and also to start experimenting by taking photos of both my ideas and then stitch them together in Photoshop to see if either of them worked and what problems I would face and see which theme would work the best.

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