Friday 5 April 2013

One Idea

Fish Tank

After my initial sketches, I did a mini brainstorm of some things that I could put inside the tank. The main concept that I was thinking of with this idea is replacing ornaments which you would find in a fish tank, like a castle for example and replacing the ornaments with places and things which link with Brighton. A bus, big wheel, bus stop, seagulls, deck chairs, ice cream van, pavilion, fish plants and sign posts were some of the things that I first thought of to put in the tank.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46340616,d.d2k&fp=6ff9759cdf5c2792&biw=1129&bih=620&

I sketched a few rough ideas of how the sign would look alongside the places/ things relating to Brighton. 


I continued to draw some more fish scenes.

These are three storyboards which I drew up. Each scene has different things inside the tank but the idea of each one are the same.

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