Friday 5 April 2013

Ideas - Station Idents

Having had the meeting with Latest TV, we knew some of the requirements which need to be in the station idents.

- They can say both '8' or 'Latest TV' or can combine both and say something to the effect of 'You are watching Latest TV on Channel 8'
- May need idents when the continuity says what's coming up now or later
- Latest TV colours tend to be red and white, using the font Verdana
- Duration of the idents; 1-10 seconds
- Branded Latest TV stills or with movement to use as break bumpers and between 
- Stand out stuff that say who we are 
- Perhaps changing with the seasons or months and/or to account for whatever is going on in the city or on the channel

These are some of the initial ideas that I came up with:

- Thinking about imagery; seagulls, pavilion, pier, wheel, festivals, pier, beach, windmill, football, station, buses, fashion/ individuality, pride
- The main colours being red and white; could have the images in red and white
- Could just have the words 'Latest TV'
- No images, just patterns
- Could have the words 'Latest TV' clear and have a trail of red and white go towards the middle where the words are and the words start filling the words up with red.

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