Wednesday 10 October 2012

An Idea!

After coming up with some potential ideas, I then went on to talk to my Grandma to see if she knew of any family stories that I could use. At first she was bit stuck and couldn't initially think of anything, however after having a think she told me that she remembered she had an account that her Mum had written. She found it for me and showed me that it had been written about the 3rd September 1939, having had a look through what she had written I felt positive that I could use this as my idea for an Ebook. As well as giving me this she also had some pictures of her Mum and Dad and was happy for me to take these away and use. I knew I wanted to find out more as I knew that this would be a good idea for my project, I asked my Grandma some questions and asked if she had some more images that I could use. Below are the pictures of my Great Grandparents.

This is the account that my Grandma let me use.

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