Thursday 23 February 2012

Elizabeth Peyton

Drawing of Princess Diana by Elizabeth Peyton
After looking at this picture by Elizabeth Peyton, I decided that I would try and and edit some images of Diana to make them look as though they have been hand drawn.

I edited these in Photoshop

I edited these in Photoshop
These are the results that I came up with after doing some editing/experimenting in Photoshop. My favourite out of the ones I have done edited are the first two, I think these look the most like they are hand drawn and at the same look fairly abstract. In Photoshop I mainly used the filter gallery, the effects that I used were Accented edges, Crosshatch and Neon glow. Whilst experimenting with the effects, I changed some of the amounts to see how it would change things. For the Accented edges I changed the edge width to 2, 7, 5, the brightness to 38, 34, 29 and the smoothness to 5, 10, 14. For the Crosshatch I changed the stroke length to 9, 22, the sharpness 6, 4 and the strength to 1. For the Neon glow I changed the glow size to 5, 10, the brightness to 15, 29 and the colour to black.

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