Thursday 9 February 2012

Above is a word cloud that I made, these show all the keywords that have been picked out.

This is a brainstorm that I initially came up with in my sketch book. In this brainstorm I came up with things that I knew about the speech, I thought that this could be useful for when I start to think of ideas for my film. I have included some of the keywords that stood out for me and some points that happened before the speech was given, which started to get me thinking about what I could do.

These are some key things that happened during the year 1997, which is when the speech was read out.

1. Princess Diana's death
Princess Diana, her companion Dodi Fayed and driver Henri Paul were killed in a high-speed car crash in Paris.

2. Hong Kong hand-over

British rule came to an end on July 1.

3. Asian currency crisis
The collapse of the Thai baht sparked off a financial crisis in Southeast Asia and Japan.

4. Mother Teresa's death
The nun who tended the poor and sick of Calcutta for 40 years, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, died on September 5.

5. Tony Blair's election
18 years of Tory rule ended in May. It was time, Blair said, for 'Rule Britannia' to give way to 'Cool Britannia'.

6. Luxor massacre
In November, 58 tourists and four Egyptians were shot dead outside Luxor's Temple of Queen Hatshepsut.

7. Deng Xiaophing's death
China's President Deng Xiaoping died at the age of 92 of complications from Parkinson's Disease.

8. Mid-East peace
The Israeli withdrawal of 80per cent of its forces from Hebron in accordance with the Oslo Accords sparked renewed optimism.

9. Lima hostages
Peruvian commandos successfully stormed the Japanese ambassador's house in Lima, where hundreds of hostages had been held for 126 days by 14 members of the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA).

10. Dolly
The birth of Dolly the sheep leads to President Clinton banning all federally funded research into human cloning.

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