Friday, 7 December 2012

eBook - Chapter 2

The second chapter of my book is about where my Great Grandma lived at the time in which she wrote the account.

In this page I have got some text about where my Great Grandma and a bit about the camps. There will be an image of her house and some ariel photos that I found during my research, finally there will also be the wallpaper background. I plan to use widgets on these pages so that when you tap on a image a pop up will come up with a caption about the image. This is the text that will be in section of the book:

The text on this page will be some quotes which I have taken from my Great Grandma's account and some of it will be based on the research that I have done on

The images on this page will be:

There will also be some audio in the chapter which will be part of the account.
This is what the pages looks like in iBooks:

This is how the beginning of the chapter looks. I created a widget for a pop up which I put on top of the image of her house. I typed in the text that I wanted and in the box I changed the opacity so that it could sit on top of the image. 

Again I did exactly the same with creating widgets for the other two images. On final image I had it so that when you tapped on the image some audio played. To get it so that when you tapped it played, all I did was drag and drop the audio on the page and there was an option of how I wanted it to be displayed, I chose to have it displayed as an image which lead on to drag and drop the image that I wanted.

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