Tuesday, 11 December 2012


I have now done the changes to my eBook and I am really pleased with the outcome.

One of the first things that I changed was the font size. Originally when I made my book, I had the font size at 16 which didn't seem to be that small, however during crit it was pointed out that it could be a little bigger so I decided to change so that it is now 18. There is noticeable between the two sizes and the 18 is definitely seems to be easier to read.
The next thing that I changed was the 'Bio' page. Originally I had two double page spreads, the first two had some text and the wallpaper and the second some more text and the wallpaper. During crit it was suggested that I change this and have everything on one page. To change this, in iBooks author I added a widget and I selected the scroll box, I copied and pasted my text into the box and resized it and positioned it to where I wanted. 

The screen shot above shows what the 'Bio' page now looks like. Where the text is there is now a scroll. I think this change works better than how I first had it as all the text is now together instead of being separated.
I then went on to move all of my pages so that they're all in one chapter instead of having each part in its own chapter. By doing it means the navigation will be easier and the links to each page will work.

This is how I originally had my chapters and how the contents page was set out, which meant the pages didn't link to each other.

This is what it looks like now that I have changed it. I have done it so that everything is in one chapter and now when you click on one of the links it take you to the different sections, whereas before it didn't.

Another comment that I got was that there was quite a big gap between the title and the text so I have now moved the text so that it is just underneath the heading and have also added some more text underneath it.

This is what the page now looks like.

Another point that I received was that I needed to make the fact that there was audio on the page clearer. It was suggested that I could use a gramophone to indicate there was sound. I experimented in Photoshop and came up with this:

and this is what they look like on the pages

During crit it was suggested I have interactive images right from the beginning of the book, instead of a couple of pages in so I changed it so that now when you click on the picture of my Great Grandma a speech bubble comes up with some text.

This is what the page now looks like.

The last thing that I did was finish the animations and added them to the eBook.

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