Clive Bonny
Self Made Creative Clothing
Self Made Creative Clothing supports, and acts as a catalyst for, projects helping learners of all ages with creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship using low cost accessible clothing materials and other associated recycled resources.
In the short term, leaners have the opportunity to enhance these skills whilst working towards an environmentally sustainable outcome.
In the medium term, learners have the opportunity to further enhance a range of skills from presenting and project management through to fashion marketing and hand-made manufacturing.
In the long term, the programme will act as a boost for social/sustainable enterprise and help improve employability amongst young people.
The programme will eventually deliver a report recommending tools and processes to enable non- accredited entrepreneurship skills and knowledge (developed during extra-curricula learning activities and projects) to be better demonstrated to employers, thereby enhancing a person’s employability.
Contact details:
01273 308865
A media rich website to showcase project aims, background, participants, activities and outcomes.
Target Audience:
Students, employers and people interested in recycling, sustainability and enterprise.
From here I now need to do some research into Clive Bonny and what he does so I have a good understanding as to what he is about, ready for meeting him on Monday. Another thing that I need to do is come up with 12 questions that I could ask him which will help me get a better idea as to what he wants from the website and the sort of things that he wants to be included.
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