Thursday, 19 January 2012


Front, Back and Flap


Above is what the outcome of my leaflet looks like. I used the same images from the poster and I also included some new images as well. I made all the headings, and all the text in illustrator and simply placed them into boxes that I had made.
This how I made the guides for my trifold leaflet. I opened up a new document and changed the orientation of the page to horizontal. I made a rectangle and changed the size of it so that it went across a third of the page, I then dragged a long a guide from the left hand side of the page. I then moved the rectangle so that it was on the guide and dragged another guide so that it went a long the end of the rectangle. The result of this meant I had three equal sections.

This is one of the images that I included in my leaflet. The image on the left is what I used to copy and the one on the right is my result. I decided to do a section on transport as I thought that it would be useful thing for people to know, especially if they don't live in the area.

This is another image that I included in my leaflet. Again the image on the left is the one that I used to copy and the image on the right is my result.
This is another image that I included in my leaflet. Again the image on the left is the one that I used to copy and the image on the right is my result.

On Google Maps I found where abouts London Road is. I took a screen shot of it and in Illustrator, I traced over the image so that I had my own drawn copy. The dark green is London Road.

I wanted to continue with the buildings, which goes with buildings from the logo. I decided to use this and place them a long the bottom of the page so that it runs a long through the front back and flap. I made this using Illustrator.

These are the spot lights that I made in Illustrator. I used the buildings from the image above as a guide so that when I placed them in Indesign it lined up correctly with the buildings. I changed the opacity of the lights and made it a lighter blue to the background colour.

This screen shot shows all of my leaflet. You can see where all the images have been placed and all I need to do is add the headings and text.

This screen shot shows all of my leaflet. You can see where all the images and headings have been placed. All I need to do is add the text.

This screen shot shows all of my leaflet. You can see where all the images, text and headings have been placed.

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