Monday, 30 January 2012

Earl Spencer - 'The most hunted person of the modern age'

DIANA was the VERY ESSENCE OF COMPASSION, of DUTY, of STYLE, of BEAUTY. All over the world she was a SYMBOL OF SELFLESS HUMANITY, a standard-bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden, a VERY BRITISH GIRL who transcended nationality. Someone with a natural nobility who was classless and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate HER PARTICULAR BRAND OF MAGIC.
There is no doubt that she was looking for a new direction in her life at this time. She talked endlessly of getting away from England, mainly because of the treatment that she received at the hands of the newspapers. I don't think she ever understood why HER GENUINELY GOOD INTENTIONS WERE SNEERED AT BY THE MEDIA, why there appeared to be a PERMANENT QUEST on their behalf to BRING HER DOWN. It is baffling.My own and only explanation is that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the OPPOSITE END of the MORAL SPECTRUM. It is a point to remember that of all the IRONIES ABOUT DIANA, perhaps the GREATEST was this: a girl given the name of the ANCIENT GODDESS OF HUNTING was, in the end, the MOST HUNTED PERSON OF THE MODERN AGE.
She would want us today to pledge ourselves to protecting her BELOVED BOYS WILLIAM AND HARRY from a similar fate and I do this here, Diana, on your behalf. We will not allow them to SUFFER THE ANGUISH that used regularly to drive you to tearful despair. 
And beyond that, on behalf of your mother and sisters, I pledge that we, your BLOOD FAMILY, will do all we can to continue THE IMAGINATIVE AND LOVING WAY in which you were STEERING THESE TWO EXCEPTIONAL YOUNG MEN, so that their souls are not simply immersed by DUTY AND TRADITION, but can sing openly as you planned. 
We fully respect THE HERITAGE into which they have both been born, and will always RESPECT AND ENCOURAGE them in their ROYAL ROLE.
But we, like you, recognise the need for them to experience as many different aspects of life as possible to arm them SPIRITUALLY AND EMOTIONALLY for the years ahead. I know you would have expected nothing less from us.
William and Harry, we all care desperately for you today. We are all CHEWED UP WITH SADNESS at the loss of a woman who was not even our mother. How great your suffering is we CANNOT EVEN IMAGINEI would like to end by thanking God for the small mercies he has shown us at this dreadful time, for taking Diana at her MOST BEAUTIFUL AND RADIANT and when she had JOY in her private life.
Above all, we give thanks for the life of a woman I am so proud to be able to call my sister: THE UNIQUE, THE COMPLEX, THE EXTRAORDINARY and IRREPLACEABLE Diana, whose BEAUTY, both INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL, will never be EXTINGUISHED FROM OUR MINDS.
After listening to the speech multiple times and having a look through a written copy, I went on to pick out what I considered to be keywords. I did this whilst listening to the speech. I found it clearer and easier to put the keywords in capitals and bold them, this made it easier for me for when I came back to look at it. I thought this would be a beneficial thing to do because it says in the brief, 'This film will also feature text elements which are used to highlight words being spoken in the speech', I can now just pick out the words that I have made bold and include those words in my film.  

Chosen Speech

After reading the brief and seeing the nine speeches that we had to pick from, apart from the Martin Luther King speech, I had not heard of any of the other speeches before and some I didn't even know who the people were, but I did find the three that I have picked out the most interesting and were the ones that made the most sense to me. I found that I was most drawn to the Earl Spencer speech, 'The most hunted person of the modern age', I think the main reason for this was out of all the speeches this was one that I understood the most. Other than this speech, I was quite interested in the Margaret Thatcher, 'The lady's not for turning' and Martin Luther King, 'I have dream'. I think that I am going to focus more on the Earl Spencer speech, however I think that I will still do a bit of research into the other two speeches that I listed just to make sure that I have picked the right one. Below is a copy of 'The most hunted person of the modern age'.

Earl Spencer Speech

The most hunted person of the modern age

"Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty. All over the world she was a symbol of selfless humanity, a standard-bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden, a very British girl who transcended nationality. Someone with a natural nobility who was classless and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic.

There is no doubt that she was looking for a new direction in her life at this time. She talked endlessly of getting away from England, mainly because of the treatment that she received at the hands of the newspapers. I don't think she ever understood why her genuinely good intentions were sneered at by the media, why there appeared to be a permanent quest on their behalf to bring her down. It is baffling.
My own and only explanation is that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana, perhaps the greatest was this: a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age.
She would want us today to pledge ourselves to protecting her beloved boys William and Harry from a similar fate and I do this here, Diana, on your behalf. We will not allow them to suffer the anguish that used regularly to drive you to tearful despair.
And beyond that, on behalf of your mother and sisters, I pledge that we, your blood family, will do all we can to continue the imaginative and loving way in which you were steering these two exceptional young men, so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition, but can sing openly as you planned.
We fully respect the heritage into which they have both been born, and will always respect and encourage them in their royal role.
But we, like you, recognise the need for them to experience as many different aspects of life as possible to arm them spiritually and emotionally for the years ahead. I know you would have expected nothing less from us.
William and Harry, we all care desperately for you today. We are all chewed up with sadness at the loss of a woman who was not even our mother. How great your suffering is we cannot even imagine.
I would like to end by thanking God for the small mercies he has shown us at this dreadful time, for taking Diana at her most beautiful and radiant and when she had joy in her private life.
Above all, we give thanks for the life of a woman I am so proud to be able to call my sister: the unique, the complex, the extraordinary and irreplaceable Diana, whose beauty, both internal and external, will never be extinguished from our minds."

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Project Four: Speeches

The Brief 
BBC channels are increasingly cross promoting their programme content and for this assignment you will be producing a TV trailer for a series of radio programmes on Radio 4 called ‘Speeches’, about a selection of great speeches of the 20th Century. 

Radio 4 will be running this series of programmes, each focusing on an individual speech from the following list:-
·       Franklin D Roosevelt:  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
·       Winston Churchill:  We shall fight them on the beaches
·       Harold Macmillan: The wind of change
·       Nelson Mandela: An ideal for which I’m prepared to die
·       Jawahharal Nahru: A tryst with destiny
·       John F Kennedy: Ask not what your country can do for you
·       Martin Luther King: I have a dream
·       Margaret Thatcher: The lady’s not for turning
·       Earl Spencer: The most hunted person of the modern age

The TV trailers will act as ‘teasers’ about the speeches by creating short films which use a combination of an excerpt of the speech accompanied by atmospheric, original footage and text graphics.  These films need to be 1 minute long (with a 5 second leeway in each direction).  You are not searching for original footage of the speech being delivered, and nor are you trying to film literal interpretations of what is being said, but rather you will devise, shoot edit and post produce a sequence of shots which add visual accompaniment to the words being spoken. This film will also feature text elements which are used to highlight words being spoken in the speech.  You can also use music and/or sound effects in your film. 

You must use research to find out more about these speeches, their importance and historical context, and a useful starting point is  You also need to look at and analyse films which will help inspire you.  Use this research to devise your ideas, develop sketches and/or photographs to help you choose styles and locations.  Fully storyboard your sequence, then keep a log of your progress on shooting, editing and post-production in your blog. 

The film must be finished by crit, then you can make any suggested changes between crit and submission.  Crit and an evaluation must be written up in your blog. 

Thursday, 19 January 2012


Overall I think this project was fairly successful and I am pleased with the outcome of the posters and leaflet, however getting there was a bit of a struggle. At the beginning of the project I found it a little hard to get start and get a solid idea that I could work with.

The bits that I thought were most successful, for me, was the drawings and the work that I achieved in Illustrator. After learning how to use this software in the last project, I found that I was able to develop on what I already knew and was able to produce drawings that I am pretty proud of. I enjoyed designing the layout of the posters and leaflet with my chosen art style and having the choice of style, although hard having it so broad and not just choosing from a few styles. I think that I have produced my posters and leaflet to fit with my style well and effectively and in a way that could appeal to the potential target audience of the project. The design of my logo was one part of the project in which I feel was really successful, I think that it looks professional and also fits in with what the project asked for.

I felt using InDesign was a bit of a struggle as it was the first time that I had used it before. After learning how to set up my leaflet  and once I got into making it, I realised that it was a fairly easy piece of software to use. However I feel that if there had been more lessons with tutorials, I would have had more confidence near the beginning rather than at the last part of the project. On the other hand I now have more confidence with using Illustrator, although there is still a lot more that I could learn to help me develop my skills.

Like with all projects I have done in the past, I struggled with the time management. Looking back I feel I didn't really get the right balance and didn't prioritise my time as effectively as I could have. As I struggled at the beginning to finalise an idea it meant that I was falling behind before I had even really started. As this happened it meant that it was rush to make sure everything was finished and to a good standard by the deadline. I spent so much doing all my drawings and working in Illustrator, I completely neglected keeping up to date with my blog and making sure my sketch book was showing the development of my ideas. I needed to have planned out my time in a more effective way to ensure that I spent equal amount of time on each thing in order to keep it all up to date. For the next project I am going to use my time in a more effective way. I have already made a time management plan, which I'll follow for the next project and I'm hoping I'll get everything done by the deadline and without it being rushed or unorganised. I am going to make sure that I blog at least once a day, this will help me to see where I am up to and see what I still need to do.

Changes to My Posters

These are my final three posters after I received my crit. 

With the first poster of the pub, I decided to completely change it and I am pleased with the outcome of it. I decided to look for an Art Deco building of a bar and came up with this image.

I thought that this fitted more with my chosen theme and looked good next to the other two posters. As well as changing the building, I also included a map of London Road, which you can see below. The last thing that I did was include some text and add a background colour, for the text I just did bullet points of the features to do with the bar.

With the other two posters, I included the map and labelled where abouts each of the buildings are located in London Road. I also added some bullet points of the features to do with the hotel and flats.


Front, Back and Flap


Above is what the outcome of my leaflet looks like. I used the same images from the poster and I also included some new images as well. I made all the headings, and all the text in illustrator and simply placed them into boxes that I had made.
This how I made the guides for my trifold leaflet. I opened up a new document and changed the orientation of the page to horizontal. I made a rectangle and changed the size of it so that it went across a third of the page, I then dragged a long a guide from the left hand side of the page. I then moved the rectangle so that it was on the guide and dragged another guide so that it went a long the end of the rectangle. The result of this meant I had three equal sections.

This is one of the images that I included in my leaflet. The image on the left is what I used to copy and the one on the right is my result. I decided to do a section on transport as I thought that it would be useful thing for people to know, especially if they don't live in the area.

This is another image that I included in my leaflet. Again the image on the left is the one that I used to copy and the image on the right is my result.
This is another image that I included in my leaflet. Again the image on the left is the one that I used to copy and the image on the right is my result.

On Google Maps I found where abouts London Road is. I took a screen shot of it and in Illustrator, I traced over the image so that I had my own drawn copy. The dark green is London Road.

I wanted to continue with the buildings, which goes with buildings from the logo. I decided to use this and place them a long the bottom of the page so that it runs a long through the front back and flap. I made this using Illustrator.

These are the spot lights that I made in Illustrator. I used the buildings from the image above as a guide so that when I placed them in Indesign it lined up correctly with the buildings. I changed the opacity of the lights and made it a lighter blue to the background colour.

This screen shot shows all of my leaflet. You can see where all the images have been placed and all I need to do is add the headings and text.

This screen shot shows all of my leaflet. You can see where all the images and headings have been placed. All I need to do is add the text.

This screen shot shows all of my leaflet. You can see where all the images, text and headings have been placed.


The crit that I received was really positive and also helpful. There was quite a few points that I found that I could use in order to improve my posters, and were things that I hadn't seen myself but after I was told seemed fairly obvious. 

Overall the positive points that I received were:
- Good drawings
- Nice logo
- Fits in with the Art Deco style well
- Like the font choice

Some of the points that I received which weren't so positive were:
- Need to fill in the blank space
- The building on the first poster doesn't really fit in with the idea of regeneration
- Make the building look less flat
- Include leaflet 
- Needs to be finished

From here I can now go on to make the changes that are needed in order to improve.

Poster 3

This is the third poster that I made and again it isn't quite finished. All that I need to do is to include some, which will explain briefly the image on the poster.

This is the colour scheme that I used for this poster. Again I decided to have a red background, which I think helps to make the yellowy cream colour to stand out. I chose blue for the colour of the circle, it stands out and makes you look at the image, but at the same doesn't really distract from the rest of the content on the page.

This is the image that I used to copy. I decided not to include the garden bit at the front, but instead just focus on the actual building.

This is the image that I made in Illustrator. I'm pleased with the outcome of it. When it came it to moving it on to the A3 page I found that length of the image was to long. What I decided to do was cut the ends of the image off and resize and move it so that it is in the centre of the page, I then placed another copy of the image on the page and made it smaller so that it fitted on. I thought that it would stand out better if it was in a circle, I placed these underneath the main image.

For the background I used the colour red. For the main colour I used a darker red and for the rays I went for a lighter red. Like with the previous backgrounds I changed the opacity of the spotlights to 70%.

I also placed my logo at the bottom of the page.

Poster 2

This is my second poster, again it is not quite finished as I was a little unsure as to what to put for text. Again I have used the same spot light idea, but instead just changed the background colours.

I only used four colours for this poster. I think the use of the red helps to make the image stand out on the page.
I used this image for the building.
Above is the image that I made in Illustrator, I used the grey and the black to colour it in. I placed the image on to an A3 page and resized it so that it fitted the page, I also centred it.

For the background I decided to use a red colour rather than blue. For the main colour I used a dark red and for the spot lights I used a lighter red and changed the opacity so that it is 70%.

Again I placed the logo at the bottom of the page, it helps to link all of the posters together.

Poster 1

This is the poster that I based my idea for my designs. The main feature that I copied was the idea of the spot lights in the distance, I thought this was a really good touch to the poster and helps to make it stand out. 

This is my first poster, it isn't quite finished. I am pleased with what it currently looks like and all that needs to be done is to finish adding colour and to include some text. I have used the idea of the spot lights in the background which I think helps to make the image to stand out. 

This is the colour scheme that I used for the poster. They aren't exactly the same colours that are in the colour scheme that I made, but instead have just chosen a different shade.

I used this image of a pub to copy. I used the colours from the colour scheme to colour it.

 The screen shot above shows the drawing that I did in Illustrator. I made this image in a different document and moved on to an A3 page, I needed to resize so that it fitted on the page. I moved it so that it was situated in the centre of the page.

To do the spot lights, I got the image of the poster that I was basing it on and traced the lines of the rays. I used a dark shade of blue for the background and a lighter shade for the rays, I thought that it would look better if the opacity of the rays was changed so I made it to 70%.

At bottom of the page I have placed the logo.


Leaflet Folds

These are some examples of leaflet folds that I could use for my leaflet. I think that I will go for a simple fold, which will still be effective. 

I think this will be the leaflet fold that I am going to use. For me I think it is the most common and would be the better choice for this type of project.


This is the layout that I would have for my leaflet. The image above show how I would have the front cover, back and the flap.

The image above shows how I would have the inside of my leaflet.


These are the types of places where my posters could be place.


This is the type of layout that I am going to use. After looking at some Art Deco posters, most of the page is dominated by a picture. What I would like is to have the picture do most of the talking so that I don't have a text heavy poster.


As I was looking further into the Art Deco style and drawing the buildings in Illustrator, I began thinking about a good logo design that would look professional and would best resemble the whole regeneration project. 
I decided that I wanted to tie in both the ideas of Brighton and Art Deco together to represent one. I came across a poster whilst making my mood board, and a part of it stuck in my mind as I wanted to try and incorporate in my designs.

This is the poster that I based my logo design on. The black and white buildings at the bottom of the page was the bit that I particularly wanted to include. I thought that it was clean, simple and would look good as a logo on a poster. After deciding that I definitely wanted to include this, I needed to come up with a way to include a concept of Brighton. This lead me on to automatically think of the Brighton and Hove City Council logo.

Above is the Brighton and Hove City Council logo. I decided that I could perhaps use the image from this logo and incorporate it with the buildings. In Illustrator I experimented with different ways in which I could put the two together.

To begin with I traced the buildings which were on the poster, I coloured it in and drew some windows. After that I selected half of the image and moved it to one side, so that I had two separate images. I then moved on to copy the Brighton and Hove City Council logo, which you can see below.

The image below shows each image. I am going to put them together to make one image. Underneath I am going to have some text, I think that I will use the letters 'LRB' this will be a quite a big size. I will then have some more underneath that, which will say 'London Road Brighton'. Again I will have some more text under that which will say either 'The Regen Project' or 'The Regeneration Project', I'm not sure what I want to call the project.

This is how I want the text to be set out. I have used the font 'Bellerose', this is the font that I like more from the ones that I found. I thought that it looked clear and would be easy to read. I have also decided to have all the letters in capitals, I did try it with them in lower case, however I thought with having in upper case it looked more Art Deco.

This is how my finished logo looks. I am pleased with the outcome and I think that it will look good on my posters and on my leaflet. It is simple and to the point and people would know what the logo is for.