From all the research and designing that I have come up with, I now have an idea for my Web 2.0 Social Media Propaganda Poster.
I have chosen to promote Twitter based from the period of WWI. I have chosen to base my idea from the 'YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU' poster. I picked Twitter because I felt this would be the strongest social media to use as it gradually overtaking Facebook and the others with its popularity.
What I am planning on doing is replacing the man with the Twitter bird, which I think will be an effective design and would be appealing to people who use Twitter and people thinking of joining it. In my sketch book I have come up with a mock up of how I want my poster to look.
I have chosen to use the three colour schemes that I boxed in the previous blog and I am going to use 'Lucida Fax' as my font choice because I feel this will be easy and clear to read.
The main images which will be used in poster is the Twitter birds face and pretty much everything that is in the 'Your Country Needs You' poster apart from the hand and face. I am going to use the letter 't' on the hat which will resemble the badge on the band of his hat. I am thinking of using the blue colours for the bird and for the uniform. Perhaps the darker blue for the clothes and a lighter blue for the bird which will fit with what the original looks like. I want to incorporate some red in my poster as I have noticed it is a common theme in the propaganda posters that I have looked at. From looking at the original poster I think the red would fit in well on the band of the hat. The lighter colours will be used for the shading and detailing of the bird. The 'Lucida Fax' is fairly similar to that which is used in the original and it is clear and easy to read, I think I will stick to the black font so that it stands out on the page.
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