Sunday, 26 February 2012

Text Ideas

From looking through the section of speech I have picked, I have gone through and selected what I thought were the key points and what stood out. These are the words/phrases that I am going to include in my film:

- Her particular brand of magic
- Her genuinely good intentions were sneered at by the media
- Permanent quest
- Bring her down
- Opposite end
- Moral spectrum
- Ironies about Diana
- Greatest
- Ancient Goddess of Hunting
- Most hunted person of the modern age

In my sketchbook I am going to draw out different layouts and work out how I should set out the text in my film. I need to look at different font faces as well, I don't really want anything to fancy so that it means you won't be able to clearly read the text but on the other hand I don't want anything to plain that it looks boring. Another thing that I need to experiment with is the sizing of the text. I need to see whether I want the text to be all in capitals, half of it in capitals, all in lower case. Also whether I should have it in bold or italics, the text to all be in one size or have it varied. Lastly I need to think of the colour of text. Below I have shown what I need to experiment with:

- Permanent quest
- Bring her down
- Opposite end
- Moral Spectrum
- Ironies about Diana
- Greatest
- Ancient Goddess of Hunting

Possible Font Faces:
These are four possible fonts that I am thinking of using. I have two serif fonts and two sans serif fonts, I thought all of these would clear in my film and would easy for the audience to read. I think I might pick out one of the keywords from my list above and type it up using the four different fonts and from there I can see which font would work more effectively. 

Left: Georgia  Right: Cooper Black

Top: Tahoma  Bottom: Verdana

Out of the four different fonts, I think that the Verdana font, which is at the bottom, works the best. From looking the four different fonts I think that I am going to go with Verdana font.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Footage Ideas

These are some of the initial ideas that I came up with, which I originally did as a brainstorm in my sketchbook. After doing this and having a discussion of different ideas, which was covered in the unofficial pitch, I found that some of these ideas were pretty literal to the speech.

Field - Colour, Peaceful, Quiet, Still
Beach - Sand, Footprints
Flowers - White/Cream - Lilies, Bright, Colourful, Perhaps have a black and white background and the flower in colour, Perhaps have water dripping off a flower or a leaf
Camera Flashing - Zoom in/focus on camera - make it look distorted
Have loads of Diana images to make one
Church - Perhaps just showing the bottom half of the Church - focusing on the flowers that are around
Pond - indirectly linked with Diana
Use of filters
Try and represent Magic - Perhaps glitter
Try and use words/phrases and represent them in footage
Try and represent the idea of hunting - maybe the use of objects that you find out an about, distort and make them look abstract, use silhouettes
Weather - Rain - Puddles
Candles - Tea lights, having lots of tea lights burning, could zoom in on them and maybe lose focus, focus on the flame
90's music - Sad
Road Signs - Signs which show direction - Ties in with the section of speech 'Looking for a new direction'
Perhaps the use of different types of lighting - Candles, Camera flashes
Incorporate abstract images of Diana - or just edited images of her, Perhaps have it at the end
Blending two clips together - Perhaps having footage of a pond and footage of candles - in the background have the candles and on top of that have the pond - Have the candles burning in the background throughout the minute
The film could be in black and white

I struggled to get round the idea of the word ‘literal’ and I found it hard not to think literal about my ideas. Thinking outside the box was a pretty new thing for me, due to the fact with previous projects I needed to stick solidly to the requirements of the brief and what the client wanted. However with this project you could have any idea that you wanted, which I’m finding fairly hard to get my head around!

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Elizabeth Peyton

Drawing of Princess Diana by Elizabeth Peyton
After looking at this picture by Elizabeth Peyton, I decided that I would try and and edit some images of Diana to make them look as though they have been hand drawn.

I edited these in Photoshop

I edited these in Photoshop
These are the results that I came up with after doing some editing/experimenting in Photoshop. My favourite out of the ones I have done edited are the first two, I think these look the most like they are hand drawn and at the same look fairly abstract. In Photoshop I mainly used the filter gallery, the effects that I used were Accented edges, Crosshatch and Neon glow. Whilst experimenting with the effects, I changed some of the amounts to see how it would change things. For the Accented edges I changed the edge width to 2, 7, 5, the brightness to 38, 34, 29 and the smoothness to 5, 10, 14. For the Crosshatch I changed the stroke length to 9, 22, the sharpness 6, 4 and the strength to 1. For the Neon glow I changed the glow size to 5, 10, the brightness to 15, 29 and the colour to black.


In my sketch book I have been coming with brainstorms and sketches, which has been getting me thinking as to the sort of things that I could potentially film. I have edited some images of Princess Diana in Photoshop and used different styles such as pencil, pastel. Although doing my sketch book has been useful and I have made better use of it compared to previous projects, I have found it pretty hard with coming up with some ideas that I feel confident in doing. 
It was suggested that we do an unofficial pitch, as there wasn't one in the brief, which I found surprisingly helpful. I thought that it would be a bit daunting at first as I wasn't overly clear on an idea and I didn't really like the thought of showing something that I wasn't sure about. However I found from doing it that I wasn't the only one who was struggling with ideas and I thought that the discussion of different things that could be done was really helpful and got me thinking about the types that I could do. For me, I think this was a beneficial thing to do and the contribution of ideas was a useful thing for everybody, if we hadn't of done this I probably would be struggling even more with things that I could do. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

My Chosen Section

Someone with a natural nobility who was classless and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate HER PARTICULAR BRAND OF MAGIC.
There is no doubt that she was looking for a new direction in her life at this time. She talked endlessly of getting away from England, mainly because of the treatment that she received at the hands of the newspapers. I don't think she ever understood why HER GENUINELY GOOD INTENTIONS WERE SNEERED AT BY THE MEDIAwhy there appeared to be a PERMANENT QUEST on their behalf to BRING HER DOWN. It is baffling.My own and only explanation is that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the OPPOSITE END of the MORAL SPECTRUMIt is a point to remember that of all the IRONIES ABOUT DIANA, perhaps the GREATEST was this: a girl given the name of the ANCIENT GODDESS OF HUNTING was, in the end, the MOST HUNTED PERSON OF THE MODERN AGE.
Above is the section of the speech that I have chosen to use. I listened to the speech quite a few times before initially selecting this section. However, I knew that I wanted to include the section in which he says the name of the speech, it was just a case of picking a minute worth of speech around him saying 'The most hunted person of the modern age'. The words which are in bold are the text element of my film. As I thought these were the keywords from this section, I am going to include these in my film.

The keywords/ phrases:
- Her particular brand of magic
- Her genuinely good intentions were sneered at by the media
- Permanent quest
- Bring her down
- Opposite end
- Moral spectrum
- Ironies about Diana
- Greatest
- Ancient Goddess of Hunting
- Most hunted person of the modern age

Now that I have chosen my section of the speech, I now need to begin researching and coming up with ideas for what I could do for my film. I am going to be working in my sketchbook and on here to help with my development of the project.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Above is a word cloud that I made, these show all the keywords that have been picked out.

This is a brainstorm that I initially came up with in my sketch book. In this brainstorm I came up with things that I knew about the speech, I thought that this could be useful for when I start to think of ideas for my film. I have included some of the keywords that stood out for me and some points that happened before the speech was given, which started to get me thinking about what I could do.

These are some key things that happened during the year 1997, which is when the speech was read out.

1. Princess Diana's death
Princess Diana, her companion Dodi Fayed and driver Henri Paul were killed in a high-speed car crash in Paris.

2. Hong Kong hand-over

British rule came to an end on July 1.

3. Asian currency crisis
The collapse of the Thai baht sparked off a financial crisis in Southeast Asia and Japan.

4. Mother Teresa's death
The nun who tended the poor and sick of Calcutta for 40 years, and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, died on September 5.

5. Tony Blair's election
18 years of Tory rule ended in May. It was time, Blair said, for 'Rule Britannia' to give way to 'Cool Britannia'.

6. Luxor massacre
In November, 58 tourists and four Egyptians were shot dead outside Luxor's Temple of Queen Hatshepsut.

7. Deng Xiaophing's death
China's President Deng Xiaoping died at the age of 92 of complications from Parkinson's Disease.

8. Mid-East peace
The Israeli withdrawal of 80per cent of its forces from Hebron in accordance with the Oslo Accords sparked renewed optimism.

9. Lima hostages
Peruvian commandos successfully stormed the Japanese ambassador's house in Lima, where hundreds of hostages had been held for 126 days by 14 members of the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA).

10. Dolly
The birth of Dolly the sheep leads to President Clinton banning all federally funded research into human cloning.