"You will produce at least two cylindrical panoramas for web distribution using a camera, Photoshop and some given HTML/CSS/jQuery code.
You should take all the photographs yourself in two or more locations to make at least two combined images (long shaped images) which will be constructed in Photoshop.
You may, if it helps you, form a vague narrative or theme between the images and the following is a list of suggestions:
- Chase or Follow
- Scene of a Crime
- Tourist Guide
- Day in a Life
- Sense of Location
You will save the stitched images as .jpgs at appropriate sizes and proportions for bringing into the html model for cylindrical panoramic interactivity."
This is the brief that I was given for the first project, it is to produce at least two cylindrical panoramas. These will be made using a camera and then going on to edit the images by stitching them together using Photoshop. Alongside the pictures I need to make a blog, which will show my research into panoramic photography and interactive panoramas, the progress of my project and any ideas that I have. The deadline for this project is Tuesday 18th October.